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DeVos Performance Hall and ASM Global Grand Rapids are committed to strengthening the local, small, and diverse business community through direct engagement and development of strategic community relationships to optimize procurement and development opportunities. DeVos Performance Hall purchases a range of products and services to support efficient operations, providing opportunities for companies to join our supply chain.

The ASM Global Grand Rapids Supplier & Vendor Form will collect and retain information on prospective and current suppliers of goods and services used in our operations. Prospective suppliers will be directed to provide company details, product, and capability information.

Supplier & Vendor Form

DeVos Performance Hall is open to all companies interested in doing business.

Please complete the form below to request to be a vendor or supplier with DeVos Performance Hall. This will provide us with the necessary information to understand your company’s capabilities and identify potential areas of alignment. ASM Global Grand Rapids' Supplier & Vendor Form will collect and retain information on prospective and current suppliers of goods and services used in our global operations. Prospective suppliers will be directed to provide company details, product, and capability information.

Please note that submitting the form does not guarantee business opportunities with DeVos Performance Hall or ASM Global Grand Rapids.
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Please check the category your company falls under:

Are you a diverse supplier?

Does your company have a valid diversity certification?

Are you a self-reported diverse company?

If yes, can you obtain a diversity certification from a valid third-partying organization?

Do you have a Sustainability / Corporate Responsibility program?

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